Friday 3 December 2010

Pieces of Poetry.

Allright, so for the past year I've been writing nonsense free verse because quite frankly I find people who only write certain poetry awfully dull. I mean honestly why? It's supposed to be about creativity! Not stinking four lines, and you can't do this and this because of this. -_-; Anyway, I've written alot of crap-- a serious amount of rubbish, so I'm only going to post the best ones if you don't mind so awfully. XD; I'd also like to point out the fact you can't use the poems where ever you please, this is my work and I don't appreciate anything being stolen. Thank you. 

The Cheshire Mimebones

Unfortunately, Sir,

I am completely and utterly mad Sir,
You see?
Completely and utterly mad.
And to expect a sane answer from me, Sir,
Would make you as mad is I.
Why am I mad, Sir? You ask, you ask.
Why am I mad, Sir? You ask, you ask.
Because I own the Cheshire Mimebones, Sir,
You see?
I own the Cheshire Mimebones, you see.
Also Sir, I do believe I am lost, Sir.
Yes, lost, Sir,
Lost in Wonderland.

((I'd like to take the time to point out that this was the first nonsense poem I ever wrote and 'mimebones' is a pet of a forum I go on. to be precise. X3 ))

The Bottom of The Garden

Mist falls, dark moons rise.
Following the pattern of too many years.
Undead and faltering they step on,
Unfeeling through the sad swamps,
Bogs and lagoons, mud puddle toads,
Boggling snakkers, faboos galore.
They run through the swamp,
Feet bare.
Eyes glint red, death by heart,
Souls of death rise above.
The wind cries a simple tear,
As the rain dismisses the mist,
All the fears, all the dreams.
Just a simple garden, stuck in the rain.
Imaginations will always run wild,
Given the chance to be free.

(It's allright, I suppose?)

The Haresnap's Tail

Dark beginings, lead to darker endings
A parchan through the mist.
Gombling through the bog,
A single haresnap stood,
A seal's tail, a seal's head.
crocodile inbetween.
His is a sad tail,
Of muder and lies
More murder and deciet.
Shall he recite his tail?
Perhaps he'll tell us it all!
Or shall he fade into the mist, 
Like the rest of the blue-green pard?

(( Another poem I'm pleased with <3 Joy~ Also the spelling mistake of 'tail' against 'tale' was completely intentional. As if someone of my calibre would make suck a mistake *brick'd* I jest, I jest. XD This is also speaking of the personification of my muse, Haresnap. He's a funny looking thing, I must admit. XD))


Jailed, the key thrown wayward.
To be hanged tomorrow morn'
Head in hands, tears slip down
Blood staining the filthy floor.

All it took was a slip of the hand,
With poisoned dagger beneath.
Murder on the cobbled streets. 
His life will be mounred by few.

The last sunrise fills the sky,
Streaked with blood red clouds. 
This is the last he'll ever see,
On this fateful 'morn.

(( One of my only poems based off one of my characters, Haresnap doesn't count. And no, I couldn't think of a better title, feel free to suggest one though. XD ))

An Industrial City

I'm in a clockwork city,

With clockwork streets.
Rust, iron, sweat and tears. 
Copper and brass replace gold. 
In a city centuries old. 

An Industrial City, it lies on the ground, 
Victorian clocks winding down.
Progress, progress they cry,
The sadly overused lie.
Spires of Metal and coins of gold,
Sat in a city centuries old.

((My latest poem, written in early/mid November. ))

That's it for now, I might have some more later. I've got a couple of short stories that I'm writing. One has a purpose, while the other was just to practise my fight seen writing, the latter is lacking in anything half decent, but it'll do. XD; 

The one, the only, the completely daft,
