Wednesday 24 November 2010

Hats and Ramblings

A step up from my previous blog, which is long gone even if the characters aren't. This is where I will post all the little things that I find interesting, ranging from quotes to my own stories (Short Stories). I'm a writer at heart, infact writing is everything to me, if not because I've got nothing else. I'll leave this brief and I'll leave you to ponder my strange choice of title for my blog...

...Okay, okay! I'll tell you if you insist, geez! I must have drove you guys to insanity and back with curiosity right? *Shot* The Jabberwocky, the glorious poem by Lewis Carroll was, in my opinion one of the most creative things in the whole history of literature. Now I'm asking myself, with the Vampire monstrosities plaguing our bookshelves, where has all the creativity gone?

...If I was less humble I'd say it's bloody well here~ XD; Alas I'd appear big headed if I said so, as such I'll just think it.

         ~ Mousen Heath.

PS. It's snowing! <3 How I love England.

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